Consider a non-empty string array inarr and a string instr. Identify and print outarr, based on the below logic: • For the string instr, generate a list of special strings specialstringlist. o List of special strings A special string for a string stris generated by right shiftingthe characters by one position. Last character will be shifted as the first character The newly generated special string is used as str for generating the next special string in the list Repeat the generation until the original string stris reached. o List of special strings would contain the string str. • Starting from the leftmost element, for each element in inarr. o Add the element of inarr to outarr if it is a subsequence in specialstringlist § Subsequence: A subsequence of a string str in the possible set of characters formed from string starting from left to right • If none of the elements from inarr is a subsequence of specialstringlist print -1 Note: Perform case-insensitive comparison Inpu...